Tel.: (+420) 573 368 336
GSM:(+420) 602 361 487
Fax: (+420) 573 368 300
e-mail: info@iskra-agv.cz

Products |
ISKRA Products
The high quality and technical performance products are based on long-term relationships with customers, their high requirements and expectations and our longstanding experience in development and production. High quality operating reliability are assured by optimising the design of products for use in different operating conditions and controling the quality through the production process using ISO 9001 and QS-9000 standards. The products line include electric and electronic equipment for the automotive industry, electric drives for the material handling equipment industry and production of components using selected technologies.
Alternators |
ISKRA Products
The alternator line includes a wide range of alternators used on a variety of internal combustion engines. The design of individual alternator families and versions has been adapted for operation on passenger cars, commercial vehicles, tractors and other vehicles or equipment using internal combustion engines |
Starter Motors |
ISKRA Products
We produce a wide range of starters designed for starting all types of internal combustion engines of the capacities from 0.8 to 17 litres. Starters are designed to suit the specific requirements of mounting into passenger cars, commercial vehicles, tractors, construction machinery and other devices fitted with internal combustion engines. |
Electric Motors |
ISKRA Products
The motor line includes battery-supplied traction and drive motors that are used on forklifts, hydraulic applications, power-assisted steering, and winches and on other applications needed in the material handling equipment industry, automotive industry and in some other areas. A wide range of versions and families of electric motors are offered based on:
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www.rostin.cz |
www.kaminka.cz |
www.dopravni-situace.cz |
www.tigerservis.cz |
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